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What is Remote Viewing?

“. . . the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding or time.”

— Coordinate Remote Viewing (Defense Intelligence Agency, 1 May 1986), p.1


Spinning wheel target

Typical results

Site template example

Detailed drawing

Stage 6 detailed drawing

Data summary

The most important aspect of the site is a circular swirling tool, which is also a coil. It is like a spinning top and also like a balloon. There is vibration and movement here which makes me feel frustrated. There are lifeforms at the site which feel stuck and hopeful. Concepts here include: enveloped and encumbered.

The 2nd most important aspect of the site are a flying mass of rocks and stones moving in an arching or curving motion. It makes me feel frustrated. People here feel watchful, curious, and hopeful. The flying mass is like a conglomerate. Concepts here include: hope and progress. This is a special case where people hope to find a solution.

The 3rd most important aspect of the site is a flat groove in the ground. There is sandy soil here. This situation makes me feel agitated. Concepts here include: burrow and encumbered. There is a dynamic of frustration here. It is like an earthquake and also like a trap.

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Why was Remote Viewing developed?

In the mid-1960s, the book Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain was published. This captured the public’s imagination and unsettled an already tense CIA, deep into the midst of the Cold War.

The book’s claim that the US was “fifty years behind the Russians in psychic research” sparked a new kind of arms race.

Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain

Closing the psychic gap

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Who developed Remote Viewing?

Due to Cold War hysteria, the CIA commissioned artist and psychic Ingo Swann, laser physicist Russell Targ, and electrical engineer and experimental physicist, Harold Puthoff to investigate the possibility of mind projection. This became known as project SCANATE, or scan by coordinate.

Project Scannate

Remote Viewing was developed at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California during the 1970s.

Project Scannate

Ingo Swann

Project Scannate

Russell Targ (left); Harold Puthoff (right)

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How was Remote Viewing developed?

Remote Viewing was developed using a rigorous scientific protocol. Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ investigated all known worldwide psychic methods, in including ESP, hypnosis, astral projection, telekinesis, dowsing, kinesiology, channeling, and much, much more. Processes were evaluated with a double-blind protocol and full statistical analysis. What didn’t work was discarded.

Ingo Swann’s abilities were consistently strong. His natural methodology was reverse-engineered and recorded into a clear 4-stage protocol. When the scientists taught this protocol to “non-psychics”, to everyone’s surprise, it worked.

In 1976, after consistently strong results, Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ published their landmark paper detailing Remote Viewing’s success.

Targ-Puthoff RV paper

Read it here. (7 MB)

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How was Remote Viewing used?

In 1979, Remote Viewing finally left the lab and entered operational use with the establishment of a military Remote Viewing unit at Fort Meade, Maryland.

Beyond the CIA’s project SCANATE, the military Remote Viewing program was known by various project names, including GONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, and SUN STREAK. Finally, in 1991, they were all consolidated under the now famous Project STARGATE.

Over the years Remote Viewing was used by the military to:

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Tough decision

Remote Viewing Declassified

In 1995, the military transferred the Remote Viewing program back to the CIA. The CIA then commissioned a report which showed that Remote Viewing was of little value for operational use. The program was terminated and declassified that same year. The CIA had a vested interested in seeing the program fail. As Hal Puthoff explained:


The CIA was not happy seeing us achieve good results. Their hope was to prove that the research the Russians were doing was simply nonsense. So every time we got excited about a good result, the CIA would get more depressed.

— Hal Puthoff

What should you think about
Remote Viewing's effectiveness?


What can Remote Viewing be used for?

Certainly, Remote Viewing can be used to gather data on locations.

But, as Remote Viewing has developed, the real value has been shown to be Remote Viewing CONCEPTS.

Let’s face it, we can Remote View physical locations all we want, but what we often care most about in life are ideas, such as:

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Predicting the 2020 Beirut explosion with Remote Viewing: an example project

Beirut, Lebanon, August 4th, 2020

Beirut Lebanon

A fire is burning out of control at Beirut’s port. And then, suddenly, a MASSIVE explosion.

Beirut explosion

A storehouse full of abandoned ammonium nitrate exploded that day, killing 204 people, injuring 6500 and leaving 300 000 homeless. The explosion caused US$15 billion in damage.

Beirut exposion after

Beirut explosion after

A warehouse fire had started earlier that day and was already being widely filmed when the large explosion occurred. The blast was felt more than 240 kilometers away and measured the same as a 3.3 magnitude earthquake.

The explosion prompted a 2-week national state of emergency and led to the fall of the government in a matter of days.

The explosion was equivalent to 1.3 kilotons of TNT and was the 6th largest non-nuclear explosion in history.

Beirut explosion infographic

Perceiving the explosion with Remote Viewing

The Remote Viewing Open Search protocol can identify impending future world events up to 8-weeks in advance. Based on research, Open Searches usually perceive the following target types:

This is a report of one such Open Search.

The following Open Search project was conducted from June 19th to 21st, 2020. It was posted in public June 21st, 2020.

Session drawing

S6 drawing 1

Session data

There is a bang here which makes me feel shocked, stunned, and also a sense of awe.

This stuff rains down below as it drops. It is not subtle.

This situation has arisen from a loud dusty ejection from a crater.

Session data

There is a high cloudy plume above. . .”

Something is settling upon these people. . . They feel wary, upset, and confused. It is likened to a battle that you cannot win.

This situation has arisen from a big, wandering, drifting cloud of pieces high above.

Session drawing

S6 drawing 2


The following postulates on exact target nature were presented:

Postulates are a final conclusion as to the exact nature of the target.

P1 fits the Beirut explosion very well.


The timeline for this Open Search was proposed to be: July 3rd to August 13th, 2020. The actual explosion occurred August 4th, 2020.

Based on research, Open Searches typical occur withing 2-to-8 weeks following the session. The Beirut explosion fit this timeline.

It is not always possible to tell where future Open Search events will occur. And, in this case, a location was not presented.

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Are psychic abilities even real?

Yes. Psychic phenomena began to be scientifically explored in the 1930s. J.B. Rhine proved the existence and reliability of Extrasensory Perception at Duke University.

J.B. Rhine photo

Unbelievable book cover

Later that decade, author Upton Sinclair described his wife’s telepathic abilities in his book Mental Radio.

Upton Sinclair photo

Mental Radio book cover

In 1948, French chemical engineer, René Warcollier published his landmark Mind to Mind, detailing telepathic abilities in deliberate experiments between a sender and receiver.

Rene Warcollier photo

Mind to Mind book cover

Andrija Puharich famously studied ESP, channeling, and esoteric technology at Northwestern University from the 1950s to the 70s. He studied and introduced famous Israeli psychic Uri Geller to North America.

Andrija Puharich photo

Daryl Bem photo

Daryl Bem, of Cornell University, greatly expanded the scientific understanding of ESP in the 1990s.

And between the 1970s and 2007 Drs. Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne of Princeton’s Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Lab, studied parapsychology with startling results on psychokinesis and Remote Viewing.

Princeton photo

How is Remote Viewing related to quantum physics?

Quantum non-locality points to the fundamental fact that everything is connected to, and may be influenced by, everything else. The implications are mind-boggling.

Quantum non-locality was considered proven in 1982 by Alain Aspect, PhD.

In relating to quantum non-locality, the Stanford Research Institute theorized that all things in the universe are contained in what is known as the Matrix.

The Matrix is:

“a huge, non-material, highly structured, mentally accessible ‘framework’ of information containing all data, and pertaining to everything in both the physical and non-physical universe.”

— (Coordinate Remote Viewing Training Manual, 1986).

A Remote Viewer connects to information about a target, using a Signal Line to the target’s representation within the Matrix. This information is then downloaded into the Viewer’s unconscious mind. From there it is unpacked slowly from simple to complex stages.

Alain Aspect photo

Alain Aspect

The 1999 film, The Matrix, was actually named for this idea from SRI’s Remote Viewing research.

The Matrix movie
Crop circle
Mars skull

Why should I learn Remote Viewing?

Remote Viewing word cloud

Who is attracted to Remote Viewing?

Personalities attracted to Remote Viewing

In movies & TV

Third Eye Spies | A documentary about the history of Remote Viewing.

The Men Who Stare At Goats | A Hollywood movie starring George Clooney about the military Remote Viewing program.

In Search Of | A classic 1979 Remote Viewing TV episode starring Leonard Nimoy and Remote Viewing pioneers Hella Hammid and Ingo Swann.